
Member of

  • Chairman of the 6th European Conference on Marine Natural Products (Porto, Portugal, 19-23 July 2009)
  • International Advisory Board of 7th European Conference on Marine Natural Products (Strömstad, Sweden, 14-18 August 2011)
  • Academic committee Vice Chairman of The 2nd International Symposium of Modern Medicine, Traditional   Chinese Medicine and Uygur Medicine (Urumqi, Xinjiang, China, 14-20 September 2012)
  • Scientific Committee of 9th European Conference on Marine Natural Products (Glasgow, Scotland, 30 August-2 September 2015
  • Member of International Advisory Board of 10th European Conference on Marine Natural Products, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece, 3-7 September 2017
  • European board of directors for the ECMNP meeting of XVI International Symposium on Marine Natural Products and XV European Congress on Marine Natural Products joint meeting, Peniche, Portugal, September 1-5, 2019.
  • Member of International Advisory Board of XIIEuropean Conference on Marine Natural Products, Galways, Ireland, 30 August-1 September 2021.
  • Member of International Advisory Board of 3rd Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MESAP-3, to be hold in Girne-Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 13-16 April 2017).
  • Member of International Advisory Board of The 4th Mediterranean Symposium on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (MESMAP-4), Antalya, Turkey, 18-22 April 2018.
  • Co-Chair of The 5th International Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants & The 5th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, Cappadocia (Turkey), April 24-28, 2019.
  • Co-Chair of The 8th International Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MESMAP-8), Ephesus, Turkey, 20-22 October 2022.
  • Marine Board-ESF working group
  • Editorial Board of Marine Drugs
  • Associate Editor of Marine Drugs
  • Editor-in-Chief of Section “Structural Studies on Marine Natural Products of Marine Drugs
  • Associate Editor of Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy
  • Editorial Board of Molecules
  • Editorial Board of Marine Live Science and Technology (MST)
  • Editorial Board of Phytochemistry Reviews
  • Honorary member of International Silk Road Academy of Medical Sciences
  • Editorial Advisory Board of Annals of PhytomedicineMember of Advisory Board of Hacettepe University Journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy (HUJPHARM)
  • Executive Editorial Board of Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CUPMAP)
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of  the International Multidisciplinary Symposium on Drug Research and Development (DRD 2019)
  • Member of Board of Directors of International Natural Products Taskforce (INPST) since January 2018.(


  • The Thai Professional Award – In recognition of his outstanding contributions to Science and Technology Development of Thailand by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment; Office of Higher Education; NSTDA and TRF, at the Thai Professionals Conference 2008, Bangkok, Thailand, June 2-4, 2008.
  • Honorary Doctorate in Chemistry-Burapha University, Thailand, 25 November 2008.
  • Honorary Doctorate in Chemistry -Kasetsart University, Thailand, 30 July 2009.Honorary Doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences -Khon Kaen University, Thailand, 07 December 2018.


Original articles:

  1. Anake Kijjoa, Astréa M. Giesbrecht, Maria K. Akisue, Otto R.  Gottlieb and Hugo E. Gottlieb (1980). 4- Nerolidylcatechol from Potomorphe umbelata. Planta Med. 39, 85-87.
  2. Anake Kijjoa, Astréa M. Giesbrecht, Otto R. Gottlieb and Hugo E. Gottlieb (1981). 1,3-Diarylpropanes and propan-2-ols from Virola species. Phytochemistry, 20 , 1385-1388.
  3. Plutarco Naranjo, Anake Kijjoa, Astréa M. Giesbrecht  and Otto R. Gottlieb (1981). Ocotea quixos , American Cinnamon. J. Ethnopharmacol. 4,  233-236.
  4. Kijjoa A., Giesbrecht A. M., Gottlieb O. R. (1982). Dihydropiplartine from Piper bartlingianum . Planta Med. 44, 188.
  5. Anake Kijjoa, Madalena M. M. Pinto and Bumrung Tantisewie (1988). Chemical Consttituents of Piper ribesoides. Fitoterapia 59, 136-137.
  6. Madalena M. M. Pinto, Anake Kijjoa, Bumrung Tantisewie, Massayoshi Yoshida and Otto R. Gottlieb (1988). Arylalkanones from Horsfieldia glabra. Phytochemistry 27, 3988-3989.
  7. Maria José Gonzalez, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Anake Kijjoa and Bumrung Tantisewie (1988). Chemical Constituents of Seeds of Horsfieldia glabra. Fitoterapia 59, 486-487.
  8. Anake Kijjoa, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Bumrung Tantisewie and Werner Herz (1989) A New Linalool Derivative and other Constituents from Piper ribesoides. Planta Med. 55, 193-194.
  9. Anake Kijjoa, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Bumrung Tantisewie and Werner Herz (1989). A New Biphenyl Type Neolignan and a New Biphenyl Ether from Magnolia henryi. Phytochemistry 28, 1284-86.
  10. Anake Kijjoa, Madalena M. M. Pinto and Werner Herz (1989). 16-Hydroxy-3,13Z-Kolavadien-16,15-olide from Polyalthia viridis. Planta Med. 55, 205-206.
  11. Anake Kijjoa, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Paulo M. M. Pinho, Bumrung Tantisewie and Werner Herz (1990). Further Clerodane Derivatives from Polyalthia viridis. Phytochemistry 29, 653-655.
  12. Madalena M. M. Pinto, Anake Kijjoa, Ing-On Mondranondra and Werner Herz (1990). Biphenyl Type Lignans and Costunolide from Manglietia garretii. Planta Med. 56, 417-418.
  13. Margarida M. S. Bastos, Anake Kijjoa, José M. Cardoso, Alicia B. Gutiérrez and Werner Herz (1990). Lignans and other Constituents of Centaurea sphaerocephala ssp. polyacantha. Planta Med. 56, 403-405.
  14. Madalena M. M. Pinto, Anake Kijjoa, Ing-On Mondranondra, Alicia B. Gutiérrez and Werner Herz (1990). Lignans and other constituents of Knema furfuraceae. Phytochemistry 29, 1985-1988.
  15. Madalena M. M. Pinto and Anake Kijja (1990). Chemical Study of Knema from Thailand.Quimica Nova 13  (4 ), 243-44.
  16. Anake Kijjoa, Maria José T. G. González, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Ing-On Mondranondra and Werner Herz (1991). Chemical Constituents of Knema laurina and K. tunuinervia ssp setosa. Planta Med. 57, 575-577.
  17. Anake Kijjoa, Tasanee Kittirattakarn and Choojit Anantachoke (1991) Preliminary Study of Chemical Constituents of Paulonia taiwaniana. Kasetsart (Agriculture) 25, 430-433.
  18. Paulo M. M. Pinho, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Anake Kijjoa, Kalaya Pharadai, Jesus G. Diaz and Werner Herz (1992). Protoberberine Alkaloids from Coscinium fenestratum. Phytochemistry 31, 1403-407.
  19. Anake Kijjoa, Luis M. M. Vieira, José M. Cardoso and Werner Herz (1992). A Eudesmanolide from Picris spinifera.  Phytochemistry 31, 3635-3636.
  20. Anake Kijjoa, Margarida M. S. M. Bastos, José M.Cardoso, Thomas E. Gedris and Werner Herz (1993). Melampolides and Germacranolides from Blainvillea gayana. Phytochemistry 32, 383-385.
  21. Maria José T. G. Gonzalez, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Anake Kijjoa, Choojit Anantachoke and Werner Herz (1993). Stilbenes and other Constituents of Knema austrosiamensis. Phytochemistry 32, 433-438.
  22. Anake Kijjoa, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Paulo M. M. Pinho and Werner Herz (1993). Clerodanes from Polyalthia viridis. Phytochemistry 34, 457-460.
  23. Hiroshi Ushijima, Shuji Ando, Takao Kunisado, Heinz Schroder, Hans-Peter Klocking, Anake Kijjoa, and Werner E. G. Muller (1993). HIV-1 gp120 and NMDA induce Protein Kinase C Translocation Differentially in Rat Primary Neuronal Cultures. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 6, 339-343.
  24. Margarida M.S.M.Bastos, Anake Kijjoa and Madalena M. M.Pinto (1994). Constituents of Centaurea ornata ssp. Ornata. Fitoterapia, LXV, 191.
  25. Anake Kijjoa, Madalena M.M. Pinto, Maria do Carmo Carreiras, Hugo E. Gottlieb, Dafna Herzzoni-Langerman and Otto R. Gottlieb (1994). An unusual dibenzo-cycloheptatriene based, flavonoid from Ocotea foetens. Nat.Prod.Lett., 4 (2), 85-92.
  26. Anake Kijjoa, Maria M. Polónia, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Tasanee Kitiratakarn, Thomas E. Gedris and Werner Herz (1994) Dolabranes from Endospermum diadenum  Phytochemistry 37 , 197-200.
  27. Anake Kijjoa, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Choojit Anantachoke, Thomas E. Gedris and Werner Herz (1995) Dolabranes from Endospermum diadenum. Phytochemistry, 40,191-193.
  28. Anake Kijjoa, Honorina M. Cidade, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Maria José T .G. Gonzalez, Choojit Anantachoke, Thomas E. Gedris and Werner Herz (1996). Prenylflavonoids from Artocarpus elasticus. Phytochemistry 43, 691-694.
  29. Gonzalez M. J., Pinto M. M. M., Kijjoa A. (1996). Prenylated Flavones from Artocarpus elasticus em Polyphenols Communications 96, Bordeaux (France) eds. J. Vercauteren, C.Chèrez, M.C. Dumon and J.F. Weber, pg. 87-88.
  30. Maria José T. G. Gonzalez, Carlos J. C. De Oliveira, José O. Fernandes, Anake Kijjoa and Werner Herz (1996). Further Constituents of Knema Laurina and Knema austrosiamensis. Location of the double bond in the Alkenyl Side Chains.Phytochemistry 43, 1333-1337.
  31. Miguel Payá, Maria Luisa Ferrándis, Fátima Erradi, Maria Carmen Terencio, Anake Kijjoa, Madalena M.M.Pinto, Maria José Alcaraz (1996) Inhibition of Inflamatory Responses by a series of Novel Dolabrane Derivatives. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 312, 97-105.
  32. Luis M.Vieira, Anake Kijjoa, José A. Pereira, Thomas E. Gedris and Werner Herz (1997). Germacranes and Flavonoids from Achillea ageratum. Phytochemistry 45, 111-115
  33. Ana M. Damas, Anake Kijjoa and Madalena Pinto (1997).Two dolabrane type diterpenoids. Acta Cryst. C53, 755-757.
  34. Vieira L. M., Nascimento M. S. J., Pereira J and Kijjoa K (1997). Anticomplementary Activity and Constituents of Achillea ageratum L. Pharm. Pharmacol. Lett. 7, 131-134.
  35. Nascimento M.S.J., Cidade H., Pinto M. and Kijjoa A. (1997) Anticomplementary Activity of prenylated Flavones from Artocarpus elasticus.Pharm. Pharmacol. Lett. 7, 135-137
  36. Anake Kijjoa, Honorina M. Cidade, Maria José T. G. Gonzalez, Carlos M. Afonso, Artur M. S. Silva and Werner Herz (1998). Further Prenylflavonoids from Artocarpus elasticus. Phytochemistry 47, 875-878.
  37. Maria São José Nascimento, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Luis M. Vieira, Anake Kijjoa, Artur M.S. Silva, Burt H. Kroes and Rudi L. Labadie (1998) Anticomplementary Activity of Dolabranes from Endospermum diadenum. Pharm. Pharmacol. Lett. 8, 93-96.
  38. Luis M. Vieira, Anake Kijjoa, Artur M. S. Silva, Ing-On Mondranodra and Werner Herz (1998). 2,5–Diaryl-3,4-dimethytetrahydrofuran Lignans from Talauma hodgsonii. Phytochemistry 48, 1079-1081.
  39. Anake Kijjoa, Maria Jose T.G. Gonzalez, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Ana M. Damas, Ing-On Mondranondra, Artur M. S. Silva and Werner Herz (1998) Xanthones from Cratoxylum maingayi. Phytochemistry 49, 2159-2162.
  40. Maria José Gonzalez, Maria São José Nascimento, Honorina M.Cidade, Madalena M.M. Pinto, Anake Kijjoa, Choojit Anantachoke, Artur M.S. Silva and Werner Herz (1999). Immunomodulatory Activity of Xanthones from Calophyllum teysmanii var. inuphylloide. Planta Med 65, 368-371.
  41. Anake Kijjoa, Luis M. Vieira, José A. Pereira, Artur M.S. Silva and Werner Herz (1999). Further Constituents of Achillea ageratum. Phytochemistry 51, 555-558.
  42. Anake Kijjoa, Maria José Gonzalez, Carlos M. Afonso, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Choojit Anantachoke and Werner Herz (2000) Xanthones from Calophyllum teysmanii var. inophylloide. Phytochemistry 53, 1021-1024.
  43. Anake Kijjoa, Maria José Gonzalez, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Artur M. S. Silva, Choojit Anantachoke and Werner Herz (2000). Xanthones from Calophyllum teysmanii var. inophylloide. Phytochemistry 55, 833-836
  44. L. Astudillo, G. Schmeda-Hirschmann, R. Soto, C. Sadoval, C. Afonso, M. J. Gonzalez and A. Kijjoa (2000). Acetophenone Derivatives from a Chilean isolate of Trichoderma pseudokoningii Rifai. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 16, 585-587.
  45. Honorina M. Cidade, Maria São José Nascimento, Madalena M.M. Pinto, Anake Kijjoa, Artur M.S. Silva and Werner Herz (2001). Artelastocarpin and carpelastofuran, two new flavones, and cytotoxicities of prenyl flavonoids from Artocarpus elasticus against three cancer cell lines. Planta Med. 67, 867-870.
  46. Rawiwan Watanadilok, Pichai Sonchaeng, Anake Kijjoa, Ana Margarida Damas, Luis Gales, Artur .S. Silva and Werner Herz (2001). Tetillapyrone and Nortetillapyrone, two unusual hydroxypyran-2-ones from the marine sponge Tetilla japonica. J. Nat. Prod. 64, 1056-1058.
  47. Luis Gales, Maria Emília de Sousa, Madalena M.M. Pinto, Anake Kijjoa and Ana M. Damas (2001) Naturally occurring 1,2,8-trimethoxyxanthone and biphenyl ether intermediates leading to 1,2-dimethoxyxanthone.Acta Crystallographica Section C, C57, 1319-1323.
  48. Anake Kijjoa, Rawiwan Watanadilok, Pichai Sonchaeng, Artur M.S. Silva, Graham Eaton and Werner Herz (2001). 11, 17-Dideoxyagelorin A and B, New Bromotyrosine Derivatives and Analogs from the Marine Sponge Suberea aff. praetensa (Row). Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 56 C , 1116-1119.
  49. Nathawut Sibmooh, Rachanee Udomsangpetch, Anake Kijjoa, Udom Chantharaksri and Samlee Mankhetkorn (2001) Redox Reaction of Artemisinin with Ferrous and Ferric Ions in Aqueous Buffer. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 49 (2), 1541-1546.
  50. Anake Kijjoa, Julia Bessa, Madalena M.M. Pinto, Choojit Anantachoke, artur M.S. Silva, Graham Eaton, Werner Herz (2002). Polyoxygenated cyclohexene derivatives from Ellipeiopsis cherevensis. Phytochemistry 59,543-549.
  51. Anake Kijjoa, Rawiwan Watanadilok, Pichai Sonchaeng, Pichan Sawangwong, Madalena Pedro, Maria São José Nascimento, Artur M.S. Silva, Graham Eaton and Werner Herz (2002). Further Halotyrosine Derivtives from the Marine Sponge Suberea aff. praetensa (Row). Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung 57C, 732-738.
  52. Lucília Saraiva, Paula Fresco, Eugénia Pinto, Anake Kijjoa, Maria José Gonzalez, Jorge Gonçalves (2002). Differential Activation of Protein Kinase C Isoforms by Euxanthone, Revealed by an In Vivo Yeast Phenotypic Assay. Planta Med.68, 1039-1041.
  53. Maria José Gonzalez, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Anake Kijjoa, Surapong Kengthong, Ing-On Mondranondra, Artur M.S. Silva, Graham Eaton, Werner Herz (2002). 5,7-Dihydroxychromones and 8-hydroxytetrahydrochromones from Horsfieldia irya. Phytochemistry 61, 995-998.
  54. Fatima Cerqueira, Rawiwan Watanadilok, Pichai Sonchaeng, Anake Kijjoa, Madalena Pinto, Henriette Quarles van Ufford, Burt Kroes, Cees Beukelman, Maria São Jose Nascimento (2003). Clionasterol: A Potent Inhibitor of Complement Component C1. Planta Med. 69, 171-174.
  55. F. Cerquera, A. Cordeiro da Silva, N. Araújo, H. Cidade, A. Kijjoa, M.S.J. Nascimento (2003). Inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation by prenylated flavones: Artelastin as a potent inhibitor. Life Sciences 73, 2321-2334.
  56. Luis M.M. Vieira, Anake Kijjoa, Artur M.S. Silva, Ing-On Mondranondra, Surapong Kengthong, Luis Gales, Ana Margarida Damas, Werner Herz (2004). Lanostanes and friedolanostanes from the bark of Garcinia speciosa. Phytochemistry 65,393-398.
  57. Anake Kijjoa and Pichan Sawangwong (2004). Drugs and Cosmetics from the Sea. Mar Drugs, 2, 73-82.
  58. Saida Rifai, Aziz Fassouane, Anake Kijjoa, and Rob van Soest (2004). Antimicrobial Activity of Untenospongin B, a metabolite from the Marine Sponge Hippospongia communis collected from the Atlantic Coast of Morocco. Mar Drugs, 2, 147-153.
  59. M.S. J. Nascimento, M. Pedro, F. Cerqueira, M. Bastos, L. M. Vieira and M.M.M. Pinto (2004). Effect of Natural 2,5-Diaryl-3,4-dimethyltetrahydrofuran Lignans on Complement Activation, Lymphocyte Proliferation, and Growth of Tumor Cell Lines. Pharmaceutical Biology 42, 449-453.
  60. Luis M.M. Vieira, Anake Kijjoa, Rujida Wilairat, Maria São José Nascimento, Luís Gales, Ana Margarida Damas, Artur M.S. Silva, Ing-On Mondranondra and Werner Herz (2004). Bioactive Friedolanostane and 11 (10-8)-Abeolanostanes from the Bark of Garcinia speciosa Wall. J. Nat. Prod. 67, 2043-2047.
  61. Prapawadee Puapairoj, Waree Naengchomnong, Anake Kijjoa, Madalena Pinto, Madalena Pedro, Maria São José Nascimento, Artur M.S. Silva, Werner Herz (2005). Anticancer Activity of Lupane Type Triterpenes from Glochidion sphaerogynum and Glochidion eriocarpum two of which induce apoptosis. Planta Med. 71, 208-213.
  62. Madalena Pedro, Maria M. Ferreira, Honorina Cidade, Anake Kijjoa, Elsa Bronze da Rocha, Maria São José Nascimento (2005). Artelastin is a cytotoxic prenylated flavone that disturbs microtubules and interferes with DNA replication in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. Life Science 77, 293-311.
  63. Saida Rifai, Aziz Fassouane, Paulo M. Pinho, Anake Kijjoa, Nair Nazareth, Maria São José Nascimento and Werner Herz (2005). Cytotoxicity and Inhibition of Lymphocyte Proliferation of Fasciculatin, a Linear Furanosesterterpene Isolated from Ircinia variabilis Collected from the Atlantic Coast of Morocco. Mar Drugs 3, 15-21.
  64. S. Rifai, A. Fassouane, A. El Abbouyi, A. Wardani, A. Kijjoa and R. van Soest (2005). Screening of Antimicrobial Activity of the Marine Sponge Extracts. J. Mycol. Med. 15, 33-38.
  65. Anake Kijjoa, Júlia Bessa, Rawiwan Watanadilok, Pichai Sonchaeng, Pichan Sawangwong, Artur M.S. Silva, Graham Eaton, Rob van Soest and Werner Herz (2005). Dibromotyrosine Derivatives, a Maleimide, Aplysamine-2 and Other Constituents of the Marine Sponge Pseudoceratina purpurea. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung 60b, 904-908.
  66. Rujida Wilairat, Jiradej Manosroi, Aranya Manosroi, Anake Kijjoa, Maria São José Nascimento, Madalena Pinto, Artur M.S. Silva, Graham Eaton, Werner Herz (2005). Cytotoxicities of Xanthone and Cinnamate Esters from Hypericum hookerianum. Planta Med. 71. 680-682.
  67. J. Manosroi, R. Wilairat, A. Kijjoa, A. Manosroi (2005). Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Extracts from Thai Plants in Guttiferae and Schisandraceae Families. Pharmaceutical Biology 43,324-329.
  68. L. M. M. Vieira and A. Kijjoa (2005). Naturally Occuring Xanthones. Currents in Medicinal Chemistry 12, 2413-2446.
  69. Filipe Maia, Maria do Rosário Almeida, Luis Gales, Anake Kijjoa, Madalena M.M. Pinto, Maria J. Saraiva, Ana Margarida Damas (2005). The binding of xanthone derivatives to transtyretin. Biochemical Pharmacology 70, 1861-1869.
  70. Madalena Pedro, Cátia Filipa Lorenço, Honorina Cidade, Anake Kijjoa, Madalena Pinto, Maria São José Nascimento (2006). Effects of natural prenylated flavones in the phenotypical ER (+) MCF-7 and ER (-) MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells. Toxicology Letters 164, 24-36.
  71. Waree Naengchomnong, Paulo M. Pinho, Anake Kijjoa, Pichan Sawangwong, Maria José Gonzalez, Artur M. S. Silva, Graham Eaton, Werner Herz (2006). Clerodanes and other constituents of Cleidion spiciflorum. Phytochemistry 67, 1029-1033.
  72. Rujida Wilairat, Jiradej Manosroi, Aranya Manosroi, Anake Kijjoa, Madalena Pinto, Maria São José Nascimento, Artur M.S. Silva, Graham Eaton, Werner Herz (2006). Constituents of Schisandra verruculosa and their cytotoxicity effect on human cancer cell lines. Pharmaceutical Biology 44, 411-415.
  73. Paulo M. Pinho, Waree Naengchomnong, Anake Kijjoa, Nair Nazareth, Artur M.S. Silva, Graham Eaton, Werner Herz (2006). An unusual glycoside from Cleistanthus gracilis. Phytochemistry 67, 1789-1792.
  74. Tida Dethoup, leka Manoch, Anake Kijjoa, Maria São José Nascimento, Prapawadee Puapairoj, Artur M.S. Silva, Graham Eaton, Werner Herz (2006). Bacillisporins D and E, New Oxyphenalenone Dimer from Talaromyces bacillisporus. Planta Med. 72, 957-960.
  75. Paulo M.M. Pinho and Anake Kijjoa (2007). Chemical Constituents of the plants of the genus Cleistanthus and their biological activity. Phytochemistry Reviews 6, 175-182.
  76. Anake Kijjoa, Rawiwan Wattanadilok, Nair Campos, Maria São José Nascimento, Madalena Pinto and Werner Herz (2007). Anticancer Activity Evaluation of Kuanoniamines A and C isolated from the Marine Sponge Oceanapia sagittaria, Collected from the Gulf of Thailand. Mar Drugs 5, 6-22.
  77. Rawiwan Wattanadilok, Pichan Sonchaeng, Cátia Rodrigues, Honorina Cidade, Madalena Pinto, Eugénia Pinto, Artur Silva and Anake Kijjoa (2007). Antifungal Activity Evaluation of Haliclona baeri and Haliclona cymaeformis, Collected from the Gulf of Thailand. Mar Drugs 5, 40-51.
  78. Onuma Jeamjit, Leka Manoch, Niphon Visarathanonth, Chiradej Chamswarng, Roy Watling, George P. Scharples and Anake Kijjoa (2007). Coprophilous ascomycetes in Thailand. Mycotaxon 100, 115-136.
  79. Areerat Suedee, Ing On Mondranondra, Anake Kijjoa, Madalena Pinto, Nair Nazareth, Maria São José Nascimento, Artur M.S. Silva and Werner Herz (2007). Constituents of Polyalthia jacunda and their Cytotoxic effect on Human Cancer Cell Lines. Pharmaceutical Biology 45, 1-5.
  80. Tida Dethoup, Leka Manoch, Anake Kijjoa, Madalena Pinto, Luis Gales, Ana Margarida Damas, Artur M.S. Silva, Graham Eaton, Werner Herz (2007). Merodrimanes and Other constituents from Talaromyces thailandiasis. J. Nat. Prod. 70, 1200-1202.
  81. F. Cerqueira, H. Cidade, L. van Ufford, C. Beukelman, A. Kijjoa, M.S. J Nascimento (2008). The natural prenylated flavone artelastin is an inhibitor of ROS and NO production. Int. Immunopharmacol. 8, 597-602.
  82. Pichan Sawangwong, Rawiwan Wattanadilok, Anake Kijjoa, Artur M.S. Silva, Graham Eaton and Werner Herz (2008). Secondary metabolites from a marine sponge Cliona patera. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 36, 493-496.
  83. Anake Kijjoa, Maria José Gonzalez, Madalena Pinto, Maria São José Nascimento, Nair Campos, Ing-On Mondranondra, Artur M.S. Silva, Graham Eaton and Werner Herz (2008). Cytotoxicity of Prenylated Xanthones and Other Constituents from the Wood of Garcinia merguensis. Planta Med. 8, 864-866.
  84. Nurmuhammat Amat, Halmurat Upur, Adiljan Ablimit, Aynur Matsidik, AbdirhimYusup, Anake Kijjoa (2009). Immunomodulatory effects of Abnormal Savda Munsiq,a traditional Uighur medicine,on the combined stress mice. J. Ethnopharmacol. 122, 42-47.
  85. Raquel A.P. Castanheiro, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Sara M. M. Cravo, Diana C. G. A. Pinto, Artur M. S. Silva, Anake Kijjoa (2009). Improved Methodologies for Synthesis of Prenylated Xanthones by Microwave Irradiation and Combination of Heterogeneous Catalysis (K10 clay) with Microwave Irradiation. Tetrahedron 65, 3848-3857.
  86. Wanida Auamcharoen, Angsumarn Chandrapatya, Anake Kijjoa, Artur M.S. Silva, Werner Herz (2009). Chemical Constituents of Duabanga grandiflora (Lythraceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 37, 535-537.
  87. Wanida Auamcharoen, Anake Kijjoa, Angsumarn Chandrapatya, Madalena M. Pinto, Artur M.S. Silva, Waree Naengchomnong, Werner Herz (2009). A new tetralone from Diospyros cauliflora. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 37, 690-692.
  88. Ana Paula Almeida, Tida Dethoup, Narong Singburaudom, Raquel Lima, MariaHelena Vasconcelos, Madalena Pinto, Anake Kijjoa (2010). The in vitro Anticancer Activity of the Crude Extract f the Sponge-Associated Fungus Eurotium cristanum and Its secondary Metabolites. Journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals 1, 25-29.
  89. Torger Bǿrrensen, Catherine Boyen, Alan Dobson, Manfred  Höfle, Adriana Ianora, Marcel Jaspars, Anake Kijjoa, Jan Olafsen, Joel Querellou, Gorges Rigos, René Wijffels (2010). Marine Biotechnology: A new vision and strategy for Europe. Marine Board-ESF Position Paper 15, 1-91.
  90. Chommanard. Sumgnern, Zaida. Azeredo, Ratchaneeporn Subgranon, Eduarda Matos, Anake Kijjoa (2011). The Perception of the Benefits of Herbal Medicine Consumption among the Thai Elderly. The Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging 15, 59-63.
  91. Anake Kijjoa, Sonia Santos, Tida Dethoup, Leka Manoch, Ana Paula Almeida, Maria Helena Vasconcelos, Artur Silva, Luís Gales, Werner Herz (2011). Sartoryglabrins, Analogs of the Ardeemins from Neosartorya glabra. Natural Products Communication 6, 807-812.
  92. Erik Regalado, Roberto Menendez, Olga Valdés, Ruth. Morales, Abílio Laguna, Olivier Thomas, Yasnay Hernandez, Clara Nogueiras, Aanake Kijjoa (2012). Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant capacity of BM-21, a bioactive extract rich in polyphenolic metabolites from the sea grass Thalassia testudinum. Natural Products Communications 7, 47-50.
  93. Wanida Auamcharoen, Angsumarn Chandrapatya, Anake Kijjoa and Yooichi Kainoh (2012). Toxicity and repellency activities on the crude methanol extract of Duabanga grandiflora (Lythraceae) against Sitophilus oryzae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Pakistan J. Zool. 44, 227-232.
  94. Angela Pinheiro, Tida Dethoup, Júlia Bessa, Artur M.S. Silva, Anake Kijjoa (2012). A new bicyclic sesquiterpene from the marine sponge associated fungus Emericellopsis minima. Phytochemistry Lett. 5, 68-70.
  95. Suradet Buttachon, Angsumarn Chandrapatya, Leka Manoch, Artur Silva, Luis Gales, Céline Bruyére, Robert Kiss, Anake Kijjoa (2012). Sartorymensin, a new indole alkaloid, and new analogues of tryptoquivaline and fiscalins produced by Neosartorya siamensis (KUFC 6349). Tetrahedron 68, 3253-3262.
  96. Nurmuhammat Amat, Parida Hoxur, Dang Ming, Aynur Matsidik, Anake Kijjoa, Halmurat Upur (2012). Behavioral, neurochemical and neuroendocrine effects of Abnormal Savda Munsiq in the chronic stress mice. Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (doi:10.1155/2012/426757)
  97. Nelson M. Gomes, Tida Dethoup, Narong Singburaudom, Luís Gales, Artur M.s. Silva, Anake Kijjoa (2012). Eurocristatine, a new diketopiperazine dimer from the marine sponge-associated fungus Eurotium cristatum. Phytochemistry Lett. 5, 717-720.
  98. Amnat Eamvijarn, Anake Kijjoa, Céline Bruyère, Véronique Mathieu, Leka Manoch , Florence Lefranc, Artur Silva, Robert Kiss and Werner Herz (2012). Secondary Metabolites from a Culture of the Fungus Neosartorya pseudofischeri and their in vitro Cytostatic Activity in Human Cancer Cells. Planta Med. 28, 167-176.
  99. Suradet Buttachon, Angsumarn Chandrapatya, Winanda Himaman and Anake Kijjoa (2013).  Acaricidal activity of Hypocrella raciborskii Zimm. (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) crude extract and some pure compounds on Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae). African Journal of Microbiology Research 7, 577-585.
  100. M. J. Araújo, R. O. A. Ozório, R. J. B. Bessa, A. Kijjoa. J. F. M. Gonçalves and C. Antunes (2013). Nutritional status of adult sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus Linnaeus, 1758) during spawning migration in the Minho River, NW Iberian Peninsula.  J. Appl. Ichthyol. 29, 808-814.
  101. Vera L.M. Gouveia, Ana M.L. Seca, M. Carmo Barreto, Ana I. Neto, Anake Kijjoa, Artur M.S. Silva (2013). Cytotoxic meroterpenoids from the macroalga Cystoseira abies-marina. Phytochemistry Lett. 6, 593-597.
  102. Amnat Eamvijarn, Nelson M. Gomes, Tida Dethoup, Jamrearn Buaruang, Leka Manoch , Artur Silva, Madalena Pedro, Ioulia Marini, Vasilios Roussis, Anake Kijjoa (2013). Bioactive meroditerpenes and indole alkaloids from the soil fungus Neosartorya fischeri (KUFC 6344) and the marine-derived fungi Neosartorya laciniosa (KUFC 7896) and Neosartorya tsunodae (KUFC 9213). Tetrahedron 69, 8583-8591.
  103. Madalena Silva, Luís Vieira, Ana Paula Almeida and Anake Kijjoa (2013). The marine Macroalgae of the Genus Ulva: Chemistry, Biological Activities and Potential applications. Oceanography 1:101: doi:10.4172/ocn.1000101.
  104. Madalena Silva, Luís M. M. Vieira, Ana Paula Almeida, Artur M.S. Silva, ana M. l. Seca, M. Carmo Barreto, Ana I. Neto, Madalena Pedro, Eugénia Pinto and Anake Kijjoa (2013). Chemical Study and Biological Activity Evaluation of Two Azorean Macroalgae. Ulva rigida and Gelidium microdon. Oceanography 1.102. doi: 10.4172/ocn.1000102.
  105. Amnat Eamvijarn, Leka  Manoch, Chiradej Chamsawarng; Onuma Piasai, Niphon Visarathanonth ; Janet Luangsa-Ard; Anake Kijjoa (2013). Aspergillus siamensis sp. nov. from soil in Thailand. Mycoscience 54, 401-405.
  106. Nurmuhammat Amat, Raziya Amat, Sajida Abdureyim, parida Hoxur, Zulpiya Osman, Dolkun Marmut and Anake Kijjoa (2014). Aqueous extract of Dioscorea opposite thumb. normalizes the hypertension in 2K1C hypertensive rats. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 14, 36 (
  107. Nelson M. Gomes, Lucinda J. Bessa, Suradet Buttachon, Paulo M. costa, Jamrearn Buaruang, Tida Dethoup, Artur. M. S. Silva and Anake Kijjoa (2014). Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Activity of Tryptoquivalines and Meroditerpenes from Marine-Deived Fungi Neosartorya paulistensis, N. laciniosa, N. tsunodae, and the soil fungi N. fischeri and N. siamensis. Mar Drugs 12, 822-839 (doi:10.3390/md12020822).
  108. Madalena M. M. Pinto, Raquel A. P. astanheiro and Anake Kijjoa (2014). “Xanthones from Marine-Derived Microorganisms: Isolation, Structure Elucidation and Biological Activities”, Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, eds R.A. Meyers, John Wiley: Chichester. DOI: 10.1002/9780470027318.a9927. Published 23 June 2014.
  109. Decha Kumla, Tida Dethoup, Suradet Buttachon, Narong Singburaudom, Artur M.S. Silva, Anake Kijjoa (2014). Spiculissporic acid E, a new spiculisporic acid derivative and ergosterol derivatives from the marine-sponge associated fungus Talaromyces trachyspermus (KUFA 0021). Natural Products Communications 9, 1147-1150.
  110. Chadaporn Prompanya, Tida Dethoup, Lucinda J. Bessa, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Luís Gales, Paulo M. Costa, Artur M. S. Silva, Anake Kijjoa (2014). New Isocoumarin Derivatives and Meroterpenoids from the Marine Sponge-Associated Fungus Aspergillus similanensis sp. nov. KUFA 0013. Mar Drugs 12, 5160-5173 (doi: 10.3390/md12105160).
  111. Susawat Duangsrisai, Kiattawee Choowongkomon, Lucinda J. Bessa, Paulo M. Costa, Nurmuhammat Amat and Anake Kijjoa (2014). Antibacterial and EGFR-Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitory Activities of Polyhydroxylated Xanthones from Garcinia succifolia. Molecules 19, 19923-19934 (doi:10.3390/molecules1901219923).
  112. N. Boonsang, T. dethoup, N. Singburaudom, N.G.M. Gomes and A. Kijjoa (2014). In Vitro antifungal activity screening of crude extracts of soil fungi against plant pathogenic fungi. Journal of Biopesticides 7 (2), 156-166.
  113. A. Pedro Gonçalves, Nuno Silva, Carla Oliveira, David J. Kowbel, N. Loise Glass, Anake Kijjoa, Andreia Palmeira, Emília Sousa, Madalena Pinto, Arnaldo Videira (2015). Transcription Profiling of the Neurospora crassa response to a group of syntheti (thio)xanthones and natural acetophenone. Genomics Data 4, 26-32.
  114. Chadaporn Prompanya, Carla Fernandes, Sara Cravo, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Tida  Dethoup, Artur M. S. Silva, Anake Kijjoa (2015). A New Cyclic Hexapeptide and a New Isocoumarin Derivative from the Marine Sponge-Associated Fungus Aspergillus similanensis KUFA 0013. Mar Drugs 13, 1432-1450. DOI 10.3390/md 13031432.
  115. Amat N, Umar A, Hoxur P, Anaydulla M, Aziz R, Upur H, Kijjoa A, Moore (2015). Traditional Uighur Medicine Karapxa decoction, inhibits liver xanthine oxidase and reduces serum uric acid concentrations in hyperuricemic mice and scavenges free radicals in vitro. BMC Complement. Altern. Med.   15 (1):131.
  116. War War May Zin, Suradet Buttachon, Jamrearn Buaruang, Luís Gales, José A. Pereira, Madalena M.M. Pinto, Artur M.S. Silva and Anake Kijjoa (2015). A New Meroditerpene and a New Tryptoquivaline from the Algicolous Fungus Neosartorya takakii KUFC 7898. Mar Drugs 13, 3776-3790. Doi:10.3390/md13063776.
  117. Nelson G. M. Gomes, Florence Lefranc, Anake Kijjoa, Robert Kiss (2015). Can some marine-derived fungal metabolites become actual anticancer agents? Mar Drugs 13, 3950-3991.Doi.10.3390/md13063950.
  118. Alice Abreu Ramos, Maria Prata-Sena, Bruno Castro-Carvalho, Tida Dethoup, Suradet Buttachon, Anake Kijjoa, Eduardo Rocha (2015). Testing the potential of four marine-derived fungi extracts as anti-proliferative and cell death- inducing agents in seven cancer cell lines. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 8, 798-806.
  119. T. Dethoup, D. Kumla and A. Kijjoa (2015). Mycocidal activity of crude extracts of marine-derived beneficial fungi against plant pathogenic fungi. Journal of Biopesticides 8, 107-115.
  120. Alice Abreu Ramos, Bruno Castro-Carvalho, Maria Prata-Sena, Tida Dethoup, Suradet Buttachon, Anake Kijjoa, Eduardo Rocha (2016). Crude Extracts of Marine-derived and Soil Fungi of the Genus Neosartorya Exhibit Selective Anticancer Activity by Inducing Cell Death in Colon, Breast and Skin Cancer Cell Lines. Pharmacognosy Research 8, 8-15.
  121. War War May Zin, Chadaporn Prompanya, Suradet Buttachon Anake Kijjoa (2016). Bioactive Secondary Metabolites from a Thai Collection of Soil and Marine-Derived Fungi of the Genera Neosartorya and Aspergillus. Current Drugs Delivery 13, 378-388.
  122. Suradet Buttachon, War War May Zin, Tida Dethoup, Luís Gales, José A. Pereira, Artur M. S. Silva, Anake Kijjoa (2016). Secondary Metabolites from the Culture of Marine Sponge-Associated Fungi Talaromyces tratensis and Sporidesmium circinophorum. Planta Med. 82, 888-896.
  123. Solida Long, Emilia Sousa, Anake Kijjoa, Madalena Pinto. Marine Natural Products as Models to Circumvent Multidrug Resistance (2016). Molecules 21, 892 (doi:10.3390/molecules21070892).
  124. Chadaporn Prompanya, Tida Dethoup, Luís Gales, Michael Lee, José A. C. Pereira,Artur M. S. Silva, Madalena M. M. Pinto and Anake Kijjoa (2016). New polyketides and new benzoic acid derivatives from the marine sponge-associated fungus Neosartorya quadricincta KUFA 0081. Mar Drugs 14, 134 (doi:10.3390/md14070134).
  125. WarWar May Zin, Suradet Buttachon, Tida Dethoup, Carla Fernandes, Sara Cravo, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Luís Gales, José A. Pereira, Artur M. S. Silva, Nazim Sekeroglu and Anake Kijjoa (2016). New Cyclotetrapeptides and a New Diketopiperzine Derivative from the Marine Sponge-Associated Fungus Neosartorya glabra KUFA 0702. Mar. Drugs 14, 136 (doi:10.3390/md14070136).
  126. Najoie Filali-Ansari, Ahmed El Abbouyi1, Anake Kijjoa, Soukaina El Maliki and Said El Khyari (2016). Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of chemical constituents from Celtis australis. Der Pharma Chemica 8 (4), 338-347.
  127. M. Prata-Sena, A. A. Ramos, S. Buttachon, B. Castro-Carvalho, P. Marques, T. Dethoup, A. Kijjoa  and E. Rocha (2016). Cytotoxic activity of Secondary Metabolites from Marine-derived Fungus Neosartorya siamensis in Human Cancer Cells. Phytother. Res. DOI: 10.1002/ptr.5696.
  128. Dethoup, Tida, Chaopongpang, Srimek,  Kijjoa, Anake (2016). Aspergillus similanensis sp. nov. from a marine sponge in Thailand. Mycotaxon 131, 7-15.
  129. Filali-Ansari, N., El Abbouyi, A., Kijjoa, Soukaina El Maliki, S., El Khyari, S. (2016). Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of chemical constituents from Celtis australis. Der Pharma Chemica 8 (4), 338-347.
  130. Lucinda J. Bessa, Suradet Buttachon, Tida Dethoup, Rosário Martins, Vitor Vasconcelos, Anake Kijjoa and Paulo Martins da Costa (2016). Neofiscalin A and fiscalin C are potential novel indole alkaloid alternatives for the treatment of multidrug resistant Gram-positive bacterial infections. FEMS Microbiology Letters 363, fnw150 (doi: 10.1093/femsle/fnw150).
  131. Jidapa Noinart , Suradet Buttachon, Tida Dethoup, Luís Gales, José A. Pereira, Ralph Urbatzka, Sara Freitas, Michael Lee, Artur M.S. Silva, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Vítor Vasconcelos, Anake Kijjoa (2017). A New Ergosterol Analog, a New Bis-Anthraquinone and Anti-obesity Activity of Anthraquinones from the Marine Sponge-Associated Fungus Talaromyces stipitatus KUFA 0207. Mar Drugs 15, 139. DOI: 10.3390/md15050139.
  132. War War May Zin, Suradet Buttachon, Tida Dethoup, José A. Pereira, Luís Gales, Ângela Inácio, Paulo M. Costa, Michael Lee, Nazim Sekeroglu, Artur M. S. Silva, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Anake Kijjoa (2017). Antibacterial and antibiofilm activities of the metabolites isolated from the culture of the mangrove-derived endophytic fungus Eurotium chevalieri KUFA0006. Phytochemistry 141, 86-97.
  133. Antoine M. Saab, Roberto Gambari , Gianni Sacchetti, Alessandra Guerrini, Ilaria Lampronti , Massimo Tacchini, Antoine El Samrani, Samir Medawar, Hassane Makhlouf, Mona Tannoury, Jihad Abboud, Mona Diab-Assaf, Anake Kijjoa, Rosa Tundis, Jawad Aoun & Thomas Efferth (2017): Phytochemical and pharmacological properties of essential oils from Cedrus species. Natural Product Research, DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2017.1346648.
  134. Decha Kumla, Tin Shine Aung, Suradet Buttachon, Tida Dethoup,Luí­s Gales, José A. C. Pereira, Ângela Inácio, Paulo M. Costa, Michael Lee, Nazim Sekeroglu, Artur M. S. Silva, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Anake Kijjoa (2017). A New Dihydrochromone Dimer and Other Secondary Metabolites from Cultures of the Marine Sponge-Associated Fungi Neosartorya fennelliae KUFA 0811 and Neosartorya tsunodae KUFC 9213. Mar Drugs 15, 375; doi:10.3390/md15120375.
  135. Marta Correia-da-Silva, Emí­lia Sousa, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Anake Kijjoa (2017). Anticancer and cancer preventive compounds from edible marine organisms. Seminar in Cancer Biology 46. 55-64.
  136. Sevgi Gezici,  Nazim Sekeroglu, Anake Kijjoa (2017). In vitro anticancer activity and antioxidant properties of essential oils from Populus alba L. and Rosmarinus officinalis L. from South Eastern Anatolia of Turkey. Indian. J. Pharm. Educ. 51, 498–503.doi:10.5530/ijper.51.3s.74.
  137. Bruno Castro-Carvalho, Alice A. Ramos, Maria Prata-Sena, Fernanda Malhão, Márcia Moreira, Daniela Gargiulo, Tida Dethoup, Suradet Buttachon, Anake Kijjoa, Eduardo Rocha (2017). Marine-derived Fungi Extracts Enhance the Cytotoxic Activity of Doxorubicin in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Cells A459. Pharmacogn. Res. 9 (5), 92-98.
  138. Carla Fernandes, Maria Elizabeth Tiritan, Sara Cravo, Ye’ Zaw Phyo, Anake Kijjoa, Artur M.S. Silva, Quezia B. Cass, Madalena M.M. Pinto (2017). New chiral stationary phases based on xanthone derivatives for liquid chromatography. Chirality 29, 430-432.
  139. Ye` Zaw Phyo, João Ribeiro, Carla Fernandes, Anake Kijjoa, Madalena M.M. Pinto (2018). Marine Natural Peptides: Determination of Absolute Configuration using Liquid Chromatography Methods and Bioactivities, Molecules 23, 306, doi:10.3390/molecules23020306
  140. Yé Zaw Phyo, Sara Cravo, Andreia Palmeira, Maria Elizabeth Tiritan, Anake Kijjoa, Madalena M.M. Pinto and Carla Fernandes (2018). Enantiomeric Resolution and Docking Studies of Chiral Xanthonic Derivatives on Chirobiotic Columns. Molecules 23, 142 (doi:10.3390/molecules23010142).
  141. Carla Fernandes, Ye` Zaw Phyo, Ana Sofia Silva, Maria Elizabeth Tiritan, Anake Kijjoa, Madalena M.M. Pinto (2018). Chiral stationary phases based on small molecules: an update of the last seventeen years. Sep. Purif. Rev.47, 89-123. (
  142. Michael Schnekenburger, Veronique Mathieu, Florence Lefranc, Jun Young Jang, Marco Masi, Anake Kijjoa, Antonio Evidente, Hyun-Jung Kim, Robert Kiss, Mario Dicato , Byung Woo Han and Marc Diederich  (2018). The Fungal Metabolite Eurochevalierine, a Sequiterpene Alkaloid, Displays Anti-Cancer Properties through Selective Sirtuin 1/2 Inhibition. Molecules 23, 333; doi:10.3390/molecules23020333.
  143. Clayton Queiroz, Jorge Maurício David, Juceni Pereira David, Anake Kijjoa (2018). Flavonoids and other compounds from Dioclea virgata (Rich.) Amsh. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 78, 43-45.
  144. Suradet Buttachon, Alice A. Ramos, Ângela Inácio, Tida Dethoup, Luís Gales, Michael Lee5, Paulo M. Costa, Artur M. S. Silva, Nazim Sekeroglu, Eduardo Rocha, Madalena M. M. Pinto, José A. Pereira, Anake Kijjoa (2018). Bis-Indolyl Benzenoids, Hydroxypyrrolidine Derivatives and Other Constituents from Cultures of the Marine Sponge-Associated Fungus Aspergillus candidus KUFA0062. Mar. Drugs. 16, 119; doi:10.3390/md16040119.
  145. Amr El-Demerdash, Mohamed A. Tammam, Atanas G. Atanasov, John N. A. Hooper, Ali Al-Mourabit  and Anake Kijjoa (2018). Chemistry and Biological Activities of the Marine Sponges of the Genera Mycale (Arenochalina), Biemna and Clathria. Mar. Drugs 16, 214; doi:10.3390/md16060214.
  146. Beatriz T. Martins, Marta Correia da Silva, Madalena Pinto, Honorina Cidade, Anake Kijjoa (2018). Marine Natural Flavonoids: Chemistry and Biological Activities. Nat. Prod. Res. 4, 1-13.
  147. Solida Long, Diana I. S. P. Resende, Anake Kijjoa, Artur M. S. Silva, André Pina, Tamara Fernández-Marcelo, M. Helena Vasconcelos, Emília Sousa, Madalena M. M. Pinto 2018) . Antitumor Activity of Quinazolinone Alkaloids Inspired by Marine Natural Products. Mar. Drugs  16, 261; doi:10.3390/md16080261.
  148. Decha Kumla, José A. Pereira, Tida Dethoup, Luis Gales, Joana Freitas-Silva, Paulo M. Costa, Michael Lee, Artur M. S. Silva, Nazim Sekeroglu , Madalena M. M. Pinto and Anake Kijjoa (2018). Chromone Derivatives and Other Constituents from Cultures of the Marine Sponge-Associated Fungus Penicillium erubescens KUFA0220 and Their Antibacterial Activity. Mar. Drugs 16, 289; doi:10.3390/md16080289.
  149. Carvalhal, F.; Correia-da-Silva, M.; Sousa, E.; Pinto, M. M. M; Kijjoa, A. (2018). Sources and Biological Activities of Marine Sulfated Steroids. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 61, T211-T231.
  150. Charinya Khamphukdee , Orawan Monthakantirat , Yaowared Chulikhit , Suradet Buttachon, Michael Lee, Artur M. S. Silva, Nazim Sekeroglu and Anake Kijjoa (2018). Chemical Constituents and Antidepressant-Like Effects in Ovariectomized Mice of the Ethanol Extract of Alternanthera philoxeroides. Molecules 23, 2202; doi:10.3390/molecules23092202.
  151. Levent Alparslan, Nazim Sekeroglu, Anake Kijjoa (2018). The Potential of Marine Resources in Cosmetics. Curr. Pers. MAPs. 2, 1-14.
  152. Decha Kumla, Tida Dethoup, Luis Gales, José A. Pereira, Joana Freitas-Silva, Paulo M. Costa, Artur M. S. Silva, Madalena M. M. Pinto and Anake Kijjoa (2019). Erubescensoic acid, a new polyketide and a xanthonopyrone SPF-3059-26 from the culture of the marine sponge-associated fungus Penicillium erubescens KUFA 0220 and Antibacterial Activity Evaluation of some of its constitutuents. Molecules 24, 208. Doi: 10.3390/molecules24010208.
  153. Diana I. S. P. Resende, Papichaya Boonpothong, Emília Sousa, Anake Kijjoa and Madalena M. M. Pinto (2019). Chemistry of the fumiquinazolines and structurally related alkaloids. Nat. Prod. Rep. 36, 7-34. DOI: 10.1039/c8np00043c.
  154. Solida Long , Diana I. S. P. Resende, Anake Kijjoa, Artur M. S. Silva, Ricardo Fernandes, Cristina P. R. Xavier, M. Helena Vasconcelos, Emília Sousa and Madalena M. M. Pinto (2019). Synthesis of New Proteomimetic Quinazolinone Alkaloids and Evaluation of Their Neuroprotective and Antitumor Effects. Molecules 24, 534; doi:10.3390/molecules24030534.
  155. Amr El-Demerdash, Atanas G. Atanasov, Olaf K. Horbanczuk, Mohamed A. Tammam, Mamdouh Abdel-Mogib, John N. A. Hooper, Nazim Sekeroglu, Ali Al-Mourabit 1 and Anake Kijjoa (2019). Chemical Diversity and Biological Activities of Marine Sponges of the Genus Suberea: A Systematic Review. Mar. Drugs 17, 115: doi:10.3390/md17020115.
  156. João P do Carmo, Ye Zaw Phyo, Andreia Palmeira, Maria Elizabeth Tiritan, Carlos Afonso, Anake Kijjoa, Madalena M M Pinto, Carla Fernandes (2019). Enantioseparation, recognition mechanisms and binding of xanthones on human serum albumin by liquid chromatograph. Bioanalysis. 11,1255-1274. doi: 10.4155/bio-2019-0074.
  157. Andy Wai Kan Yeung, Nikolay T.Tzvetkov, Gokhan Zengin, Dongdong Wang, Suowen Xu, GorankaMitrović, Mladen Brnčić, Stefano Dall’Acqua, Vasil Pirgozliev, Anake Kijjoa, Milen I Georgiev, Atanas G. Atanasov. (2019). The berries on the top. J. Berry Res. 9, 125-139. DOI:10.3233/JBR-180357
  158. Maria J. Peixoto, Leonardo Magnoni, José F.M. Gonçalves, Robert H. Twijnstra, Anake Kijjoa, Rui Pereira, Arjan P. Palstra, Rodrigo O. A. Ozório (2019). Effects of dietary supplementation of Gracilaria sp. extracts on fillet quality, oxidative stress, and immune responses in European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax). J. Appl. Phycol.
  159. Fernando Pagels, A. Catarina Guedes, Helena M. Amaro, Anake Kijjoa, VitorVasconcelos. (2019). Phycobiliproteins from cyanobacteria: Chemistry and biotechnological applications. Biotechnol. Adv. 37, 422-443.
  160. Ana J. S. Alves, José A. Pereira, Tida Dethoup, Sara Cravo, Sharad Mistry, Artur M. S. Silva, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Anake Kijjoa (2019). A new meroterpene, a new benzofuran derivative and other constituents from cultures of the marine sponge-associated fungus Acremonium persicinum KUFA 1007 and their anticholinesterase activities. Mar. Drugs 17, 379; doi:10.3390/md17060379.
  161. Fernanda Malhão, Alice A. Ramos, Suradet Buttachon, Tida Dethoup, Anake Kijjoa and Eduardo Rocha (2019). Cytotoxic and Antiproliferative Effects of Preussin, a Hydroxypyrrolidine Derivative from the Marine Sponge-Associated Fungus Aspergillus candidus KUFA 0062, in a Panel of Breast Cancer Cell Lines and Using 2D and 3D Cultures. Mar. Drugs  17, 448; doi:10.3390/md17080448.
  162. Supawadee Daodee, Orawan Monthakantirat, Kanlaya Ruengwinitwong, Kankrittanon Gatenakorn, Juthamart Maneenet , Charinya Khamphukdee, Nazim Sekeroglu, Yaowared Chulikhit and Anake Kijjoa (2019). Effects of the Ethanol Extract of Dipterocarpus alatus Leaf on the Unpredictable Chronic Mild Stress-Induced Depression in ICR Mice and Its Possible Mechanism of Action. Molecules 24, 3396. doi:10.3390/molecules24183396.
  163. Ariyawan Tantipongpiradet, Orawan Monthakantirat, Onchuma Vipatpakpaiboon, Charinya Khampukdee, Kaoru Umehara, Hiroshi Noguchi, Hironori Fujiwara, Kinzo Matsumoto, Nazim Sekeroglu, Anake Kijjoa, Yaowared Chulikit (2019). Effect of Puerarin on the Ovariectomy-Induced Depressive-like Behavior in ICR Mice and its Possible Mechanism of Action. Molecules, 24, 4569; doi:10.3390/molecules24244569.
  164. . Juthamart Maneenet, Supawadee Daodee, Orawan Monthakantirat, Chantana Boonyarat, Charinya Khamphukdee, Pakakrong Kwankhao, Supaporn Pitiporn, Suresh Awale, Yaowared Chulikhit, Anake Kijjoa (2019). Kleeb Bua Daeng, a Thai Traditional Herbal Formula, Ameliorated Unpredictable Chronic Mild Stress-Induced Cognitive Impairment in ICR Mice. Molecules, 24 (in press).
  165. Alice. A. Ramos, Bruno Castro-Carvalho, Maria Prata-Sena, Fernanda Malhão, Suradet Buttachon, Tida Dethoup, Anake Kijjoa, Eduardo Rocha (2019). Can marine-derived fungus Neosartorya siamensis KUFA 0017 extract and its secondary metabolites enhance antitumor activity of doxorubicin? An in vitro survey unveils interactions against lung cancer cells. Environ. Toxicol. 1-19.
  166. Tida Dethoupa, Pathavipa Songkumarn, Thanchanok Sirirak, Anake Kijjoa (2019). Fungicidal activity of Acorus calamus L. extracts against plant pathogenic fungi. Agr. Nat. Resour. 53, 527-532.
  167. You Na Ha, Sungmi Song, Barbora Orlikova-Boyer, Claudia Cerella, Christo Christov, Anake Kijjoa and Marc Diederich (2020). Petromurin C Induces Protective Autophagy and Apoptosis in FLT3-ITD-Positive AML: Synergy with Gilteritinib. Mar. Drugs 18, 57; doi:10.3390/md18010057
  168. Andy Wai Kan Yeung, Michael Heinrich, Anake Kijjoa, Nikolay T. Tzvetkov, Atanas G. Atanasov (2020). The ethnopharmacological literature: An analysis of the scientific landscape. J. Ethnopharmacol250, 112414.
  169. Harouna Soré, Annalisa Lopatriello, Yehenew A. Ebstie, Alain R.Tenoh Guedoung, Adama Hilou, José A.Pereira, Anake Kijjoa, Annette Habluetzel, Orazio Taglialatela-Scafati (2020). Plasmodium stage-selective antimalarials from Lophira lanceolata stem bark. Phytochemistry 174, 112336.
  170. Lucie Ory, Emmanuel Gentil, Decha Kumla, Anake Kijjoa, El-Hassane Nazih and Catherine Roullier (2020). Detection of ergosterol by liquid chromatography/electrospray mass spectrometry – investigation of unusual in source reactions. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.
  171. Ana Alves, Emília Sousa, Anake Kijjoa, Madalena Pinto (2020). Marine-derived compounds with potential use as cosmeceuticals and nutricosmetics. Molecules 25, 2536. doi:10.3390/molecules25112536.
  172. Amr El-Demerdash, Decha Kumla, Anake Kijjoa (2020). Chemical Diversity and Biological Activities of Meroterpenoids from Marine Derived-Fungi: A Comprehensive Update. Mar. Drugs 18, 317.
  173. Filipa Barbosa, Eugénia Pinto, Anake Kijjoa, Madalena Pinto, Emília Sousa (2020). Targeting antimicrobial drug resistance with marine natural products. Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents 56, 106005.
  174. Solida Long, Diana I. S. P. Resende, Andreia Palmeira, Anake Kijjoa, Artur M. S. Silva, Maria Elizabeth Tiritan, Patr´ıcia Pereira-Terra, Joana Freitas-Silva, Sandra Barreiro, Renata Silva, f Fernando Remiao, Eugenia Pinto, Paulo Martins da Costa, c Em´ılia Sousa, Madalena M. M. Pinto (2020). New marine-derived indolymethyl pyrazinoquinazoline alkaloids with promising antimicrobial profiles. RSC Adv. 10, 31187-31204. doi: 10.1039/d0ra05319h.
  175. Ye’ Zaw Phyo, Joana Teixeira, Maria Elizabeth Tiritan, Sara Cravo, Andreia Palmeira, Luís Gales, Artur M.S. Silva, Madalena M.M. Pinto, Anake Kijjoa, Carla Fernandes (2020). New chiral stationary phases for liquid chromatography based on small molecules: Development, enantioresolution evaluation and chiral recognition mechanisms. Chirality 32, 81-97.
  176. Francisca Silva-Brito, Francisco A. Guardiola, Thaís Cavalheri, Rui Pereira, Helena Abreu, Anake Kijjoa, Leonardo Magnoni (2020). Dietary supplementation with Gracilaria sp. by-products modulates stress response, antioxidant and immune systems of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) exposed to crowding. J. Appl. Phycol. 32, 4347–4359.
  177. Decha Kumla, Emilia Sousa, Alessia Marengo, Tida Dethoup, José A. Pereiraa, Luís Galesa, Joana Freitas-Silva, Paulo M. Costa, Sharad Mistry, Artur M.S. Silva, Anake Kijjoa (2021). 1,3-Dioxepine and spiropyran derivatives of viomellein and other dimeric naphthopyranones from cultures of Aspergillus elegans KUFA0015 and their antibacterial activity. Phytochemistry 181, 112575.
  178. Yé Zaw Phyo, Joana Teixeira, Ricardo Gonçalves, Andreia Palmeira, Maria Elizabeth Tiritan, Hassan Bousbaa, Madalena M. M. Pinto, Carla Fernandes, Anake Kijjoa (2021). Chiral derivatives of xanthones and benzophenones: Synthesis, enantioseparation, molecular docking, and tumor cell growth studies. Chrality. 10.1002/chir.23297.
  179. Atanas G. Atanasov, Sergey B. Zotchev, Verena M. Dirsch et al. (2021). Natural products in drug discovery: advances and opportunities. Nat Rev Drug Discov.
  180. Fatima P. Machado, Decha Kumla, José A. Pereira, Emilia Sousa, Tida Dethoup, Joana Freitas-Silva, Paulo M. Costa, Sharad Mistry, Artur M.S. Silva, Anake Kijjoa (2021). Prenylated phenylbutyrolactones from cultures of a marine sponge-associated fungus Aspergillus flavipes KUFA1152. Phytochemistry 185, 112709.
  181. Salar Hafez Ghoran, Mohamed El-Shazly, Nazim Sekeroglu, Anake Kijjoa (2021). Natural Products from Medicinal Plants with Anti-Human Coronavirus Activities. Molecules 26, 1754. molecules26061754.
  182. Charinya Khamphukdee, Orawan Monthakantirat, Yaowared Chulikhit, Chantana Boonyarat, Supawadee Daodee, Possatorn Aon-im, Juthamart Maneenet, Yutthana Chotritthirong, Prathan Luecha, Nazim Sekeroglu, Anake Kijjoa (2021). Antidementia Effects of Althernanthera philoxeroides in Ovariectomized Mice Supported by NMR-Based Metabolomic Analysis. Molecules 26, 2789.
  183. Salar Hafez Ghoran and Anake Kijjoa (2021). Marine-Derived Compounds with Anti-Alzheimer’s Disease Activities. Mar. Drugs 19, 410;
  184. Francisca Silva-Brito, Diogo A. M. Alexandrino, Zhongjun Jia, Yongliang Mo, Anake Kijjoa, Helena Abreu, Maria F.Carvalho, Rodrigo Ozório, Leonardo Magnoni (2021). Fish performance, intestinal bacterial community, digestive function and skin and fillet attributes during cold storage of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) fed diets supplemented with Gracilaria by-products. Aquaculture 541, 736808.
  185. Francisca Silva-Brito, Sara G. Pereira, Cristina M. R. Rocha, Elisabete da Costa, M. Rosário Domingues, Andreina Azevedo, Anake Kijjoa, Helena Abreu, Leonardo Magnoni (2021). Improving agar properties of farmed Gracilaria gracilis by using filtered sunlight. J. Appl. Phycol.
  186. Joana D. M. de Sá, José A. Pereira, Tida Dethoup,, Honorina Cidade,, Maria Emília Sousa, Inês C. Rodrigues, Paulo M. Costa, Sharad Mistry, Artur M. S. Silva, Anake Kijjoa (2021). Anthraquinones, Diphenyl Ethers, and Their Derivatives fromthe Culture of the Marine Sponge-Associated Fungus Neosartorya spinosa KUFA 1047. Mar Drugs 19, 457.
  187. Solida Long, Izadora L. Furlani, Juliana M. de Oliveira, Diana I. S. P. Resende, Artur M. S. Silva, Luís Gales, José A. Pereira, Anake Kijjoa, Quezia B. Cass, Regina V. Oliveira, Emília Sousa, Madalena M. M. Pinto (2021). Determination of the Absolute Configuration of Bioactive Indole‐Containing Pyrazino[2,1‐b]quinazoline‐3,6‐Diones and Study of Their In Vitro Metabolic Profile. Molecules 26, 5070.
  188.  Fernando Durães, Nikoletta Szemerédi, Decha Kumla, Madalena Pinto, Anake Kijjoa, Gabriella Spengler, Emília Sousa (2021). Metabolites from Marine-Derived Fungi as Potential Antimicrobial Adjuvants. Mar. Drugs 19, 475;
  189. . Harol R. Arias Cardona, Thamires Q. Froes, Bruno C. De Souza, Franco H. A. Leite, Hugo Neves Brandão, Jamrearn Buaruang, Anake Kijjoa, Clayton Q. Alves (2021). Thermal shift assays of marine-derived fungal metabolites from Aspergillus fischeri MMERU 23 against Leishmania major pteridine reductase 1 and molecular dynamics studies. J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 1-9.
  190. Joko Tri Wibowo, Peni Ahmadi, Siti Irma Rahmawati, Asep Bayu, Masteria Yunovilsa Putra, Anake Kijjoa (2022). Marine-derived indole alkaloids and their biological and pharmacological activities. Mar. Drugs 20, 3.
  191. Salar Hafez Ghoran, Fatemeh Taktaz, Ali Akbar Mozafari, Murat Tunçtürk, Nazim Sekeroglu, Anake Kijjoa (2022). Uncommon terpenoids from Salvia species: Chemistry, biosynthesis and biological activities. Molecules 27, 1128.
  192. Joana D. M. de Sá, Decha Kumla, Tida Dethoup, Anake Kijjoa (2022). Bioactive Compounds from Terrestrial and Marine-Derived Fungi of the Genus Neosartorya. Molecules 27, 2351.
  193. Charinya Khamphukdee, Ibrahim Turkmani, Yutthana Chotritthirong, Yaowared Chulikhit, Chantana Boonyarat, Nazim Sekeroglu, Artur M. S. Silva, Orawan Monthakantirat and Anake Kijjoa. Effects of the Bark Resin Extract of Garcinia nigrolineata on Chronic Stress-Induced Memory Deficit in Mice Model and the In Vitro Monoamine Oxidases and β-Amyloid Aggregation Inhibitory Activities of Its Prenylated Xanthone Constituents. Molecules 27, 2022, 3014. molecules27093014.
  194. Suradet Buttachon, War War May Zin, Winanda Himaman, Pabhop Sinchayakul, Anake Kijjoa (2022). Laboratory-based toxicity of scale insect pathogen Moelleriella raciborskii (Zimm.) (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) crude extracts and isolated compounds against Tetranychus truncatus Ehara (Acari: Tetranychidae). Syst. Appl. Acarol. 27, 1152-116.
  195. Mohamed A. Tammam, Mohamed Sebak, Claudio Greco, Anake Kijjoa, Amr El-Demerdash (2022). Chemical diversity, biological activities and biosynthesis of fungal naphthoquinones and their derivatives: A comprehensive update. J. Mol. Struct. 1268, 13371.
  196. Salar Hafez Ghoran, Fatemeh Taktaz, Seyed Abdulmajid Ayatollahi and Anake Kijjoa (2022). Anthraquinones and Their Analogues from Marine‐Derived Fungi: Chemistry and Biological Activities. Mar. Drugs. 20, 474.
  197. Fátima P. Machado, Inês C. Rodrigues, Luís Gales, José A. Pereira, Paulo M. Costa, Tida Dethoup, Sharad Mistry, Artur M. S. Silva, Vitor Vasconcelos and Anake Kijjoa (2022). New alkylpyridinium anthraquinone, isocoumarin, C-glucosyl resorcinol derivative and prenylated pyranoxanthones from the culture of a marine sponge-associated fungus, Aspergillus stellatus KUFA 2017. Mar. Drugs 20, 672;
  198. Rajeev K. Singla, Ronita De, Thomas Efferth, Bruno Mezzetti, Md. Sahab Uddin, Sanusi 8, Fidele Ntie-Kang, Dongdong Wang 10, Fabien Schultz 11,12, Kiran R. Kharat, Hari Prasad Devkota, Maurizio Battino, Daniel Sur, Ronan Lordan, Sourav S Patnaik, Christos Tsagkaris, Chandragiri Siva Sai, Surya Kant Tripathi, Mihnea-Alexandru Găman, Mosa E. O. Ahmed, Elena González-Burgos, Smith B. Babiaka, Shravan Kumar Paswan, Joy Ifunanya Odimegwu, Faizan Akram, Jesus Simal-Gandara, Mágali S. Urquiza, Aleksei Tikhonov, Himel Mondal, Shailja Singla, Sara Di Lonardo, Eoghan J Mulholland, Merisa Cenanovic, Abdulkadir Yusif Maigoro, Francesca Giampieri, Soojin Lee, Nikolay T. Tzvetkov, Anna Maria Louka, Pritt Verma, Hitesh Chopra, Scarlett Perez Olea, Johra Khan, José M. Alvarez Suarez, Xiaonan Zheng, Michał Tomczyk, Manoj Kumar Sabnani, Christhian Delfino Villanueva Medina, Garba M. Khalid, Hemanth Kumar Boyina, Milen I. Georgiev, Claudiu T. Supuran, Eduardo Sobarzo-Sánchez, Tai-Ping Fan, Valeria Pittala, Antoni Sureda, Nady Braidy, Gian Luigi Russo, Rosa Anna Vacca, Maciej Banach, Gérard Lizard, Amira Zarrouk, Sonia Hammami, Ilkay Erdogan Orhan, Bharat B. Aggarwal, George Perry, Mark JS Miller, Michael Heinrich, Anupam Bishayee, Anake Kijjoa, Nicolas Arkells, David Bredt, Michael Wink, Bernd L. Fiebich, Gangarapu Kiran, Andy Wai Kan Yeung, Girish Kumar Gupta, Antonello Santini, Massimo Lucarini, Alessandra Durazzo, Amr El-Demerdash, Albena T. Dinkova-Kostova, Alejandro Cifuentes, Eliana B. Souto, Muhammad Asim Masoom Zubair 90, Pravin Badhe, Javier Echeverría, Jarosław Olav Horbańczuk, Olaf K. Horbanczuk, Helen Sheridan, Sadeeq, Muhammad Sheshe, Anna Maria Witkowska, Ibrahim M. Abu-Reidah, Muhammad Riaz, Hammad Ullah, Akolade R. Oladipupo, Víctor Lopez, Neeraj Kumar Sethiya, Bhupal Govinda Shrestha, Palaniyandi Ravanan, Subash Chandra Gupta, Qushmua E. Alzahrani, D.S. Preethidan, Jianbo Xiao, Mohammad Amin Moosavi, Parasuraman Aiya Subramani, Amit Kumar Singh, Ananda Kumar Chettupalli, Jayanta Kumar Patra, Gopal Singh, Tomasz M. Karpiński, Fuad Al-Rimawi, Rambod Abiri, Atallah F. Ahmed, Davide Barreca, Sharad Vats, Said Amrani, Carmela Fimognari, Andrei Mocan, Lucian Hritcu, Prabhakar Semwal, Md. Shiblur Rahaman, Mila Emerald, Akinleye Stephen Akinrinde, Abhilasha Singh, Ashima Joshi, Tanuj Joshi, Shafaat Yar Khan, Gareeballah Osman Adam Balla, Aiping Lu, Sandeep Ramchandra Pai, Imen Ghzaiel, Niyazi Acar, Nour Eddine Es-Safi, Gokhan Zengin, Azazahemad A. Kureshi, Arvind Kumar Sharma, Bikash Baral, Neeraj Rani, Jeandet Philippe, Monica Gulati, Bhupinder Kapoor, Yugal Kishore Mohanta, Zahra Emam-Djomeh, Raphael Onuku,Jennifer R. Depew, Omar M. Atrooz 157, Bey Hing Goh 158,159, Jose Carlos Andrade, Bikramjit Konwar, Shine V J, João Miguel Lousa Dias Ferreira, Jamil Ahmad, Vivek K. Chaturvedi, Krystyna Skalicka-Woźniak, Rohit Sharma, Rupesh K. Gautam, Sebastian Granica, Salvatore Parisi, Rishabh Kumar, Atanas G. Atanasov*, Bairong Shen*. The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) and the power of Twitter networking exemplified through #INPST hashtag analysis, Phytomedicine 2022, 108, 154520 doi:
  199. Carla Fernandes, Ricardo Ribeiro, Madalena Pinto and Anake Kijjoa. Absolute Stereochemistry Determination of Bioactive Marine-Derived Cyclopeptides by Liquid Chromatography Methods: An Update Review (2018–2022). Molecules 2023, 28, 615.
  200. Joko Tri Wibowo, Asep Bayu, Widya Dwi Aryati, Carla Fernandes, Arry Yanuar, Anake Kijjoa and Masteria Yunovilsa Putra. Secondary Metabolites from Marine-Derived Bacteria with Antibiotic and Antibiofilm Activities against Drug-Resistant Pathogens. Mar. Drugs 2023, 21, 50.
  201. Rosária Seabra, Fernanda Malhão, Alexandra Correia, Carla Costa, Anake Kijjoa, Eduardo Rocha. Effects and Mechanisms of Action of Preussin, a Marine Fungal Metabolite, against the Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cell Line, MDA-MB-231, in 2D and 3D Cultures. Mar Drugs 2023, 21, 166.
  202. Fátima P. Machado, Inês C. Rodrigues, Aikaterini Georgopolou, Luís Gales, José A. Pereira, Paulo M. Costa, Sharad Mistry, Salar Hafez Ghoran, Artur M. S. Silva, Tida Dethoup, Emília Sousa, Anake Kijjoa. New Hybrid Phenalenone Dimer, Highly Conjugated Dihydroxylated C28 Steroid and Azaphilone from the Culture Extract of a Marine Sponge-Associated Fungus, Talaromyces pinophilus KUFA 1767. Mar. Drugs 2023, 21, 194.
  203. Rotchana Klaram, Tida Dethoup, Fátima P. Machado, Luís Gales, Decha Kumla, Salar Hafez Ghoran, Emília Sousa, Sharad Mistry, Artur M. S. Silva, Anake K.ijjoa. Pentaketides and 5-p-Hydroxyphenyl-2-pyridone Derivative from the Culture Extract of a Marine Sponge-Associated Fungus Hamigera avellanea KUFA0732. Mar. Drugs 2023, 21, 344.
  204. Salar Hafez Ghoran, Fatemeh Taktaz, Emília Sousa, Carla Fernandes, Anake Kijjoa. Peptides from Marine-Derived Fungi: Chemistry and Biological Activities. Mar. Drugs 2023, 21, 510.
  205.  Nittaya Ngamkhae, Orawan Monthakantirat, Yaowared Chulikhit, Juthamart Maneenet,  Charinya Khamphukdee, Yutthana Chotritthirong, Suphatson Limsakul, Chantana Boonyarat, Supaporn Pitiporn, Pakakrong Kwankhao, Anake Kijjoa, Supawadee Daodee. Approach of supercritical carbon dioxide for the extraction of Kleeb Bua Daeng formula. Molecules 2023, 28, 6873.
  206. Chorpeth Chalermwongkul, Charinya Khamphukdee, Juthamart Maneenet, Supawadee Daodee, Orawan Monthakantirat, Chantana Boonyarat, Yutthana Chotritthirong, Suresh Awale, Anake Kijjoa, Yaowared Chulikhit. Antidepressant-like effect of Oroxylum indicum seed extract in mice model of unpredictable chronic mild stress. Nutrients 2023, 15, 4742.
  207. Possatorn Aon-im, Orawan Monthakantirat, Supawadee Daodee, Yaowared Chulikhit, Nattapatsorn Sriya, Chantana Boonyarat, Thanut Chumwangwapee, Charinya Khamphukdee and Anake Kijjoa. Evaluation of the Impact of Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. Extract on Memory Impairment in D-Galactose-Induced Brain Aging in Mice through Its Effects on Antioxidant Enzymes, Neuroinflammation, and Telomere Shortening. Molecules 2024, 29, 503.
  208. Yarida Nujthet,. Chutima Kaewkrajay,.Anake Kijjjoa, Tida Dethoup. Biocontrol efficacy of antagonists Trichoderma and Bacillus against post-harvest diseases in mangos. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 2024, 168, 315–327.
  209. Harol Ricardo Arias Cardona, Bruno Cerqueira da Silva, Flávia Oliveira de Lima, Franco Henrique Andrade Leite, Bruno Cruz de Souza, Hugo Neves Brandão, Jorge Maurício David, Clayton Queiroz Alves,  and Anake Kijjoa. Hydroxytakakiamide and Other Constituents from a Marine Sponge-Associated Fungus Aspergillus fischeri MMERU23, and Antinociceptive Activity of Ergosterol Acetate, Acetylaszonalenin and Helvolic Acid. Mar. Drugs 2024, 22, 97.
  210. Ekanong Pirunkaset, Chantana Boonyarat, Juthamart Maneenet, Charinya Khamphukdee, Supawadee Daodee, Orawan Monthakantirat, Suresh Awale, Anake Kijjoa, Yaowared Chulikhit. Effect of Diacetylcurcumin Manganese Complex on Rotenone-Induced Oxidative Stress, Mitochondria Dysfunction,and Inflammation in the SH-SY5Y Parkinson’s Disease Cell Model. Molecules 2024, 29, 957.
  211. Worrawat Promden, Aphiwat Lophaet, Ploywadee Sripadung, Bunleu Sungthong, Thanatcha Samsee, Chanuttha Ploylearmsang, Anake Kijjoa, Prapairat Seepjonkai. α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity of Prenylated Pyranocoumarins from Clausena excavata: Mechanism of Action, ADMET and Molecular Docking. Chem. Biodivers. 2024, e20240114 (published online 26 June 2024).
  212. Alcina M.M. B. Morais, Decha Kumla, Valter F. R. Martins, Ana Alves, Luis Gales, Artur M. S. Silva, Paulo M. Costa, Sharad Mistry, Anake Kijjoa and Rui M. S. C. Morais. Monoterpene Hydroxy Lactones Isolated from Thalassiosira sp. Microalga and Their Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities. Molecules 2024, 29, 5175.
  213. Sirilug Wongpakham, Thanatcha Samsee,[a] Komgrit Wongpakam, Worrawat Promden, Kanthinich Thima,Tachin Khulmanee, Rapatbhorn Patrapuvich, Aphidech Sangdee, Anake Kijjoa, and Prapairat Seephonkai. A New Isoflavone Xylopyranoside and Isoflavone Derivatives from the Roots of Ochna integerrima and Their DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity. Chem. Biodivers 2024, e202401979 (1 of 7).

Books and Book Chapters

  1. Supa Chavadej, Anake Kijjoa and Suntaree Vitayanartpaisan (1976). Manual of Pharmacognosy Pratice. Chulalongkorn University Press, Bangkok, Thailand.
  2. Madalena M. M. Pinto e Anake Kijjoa (1985). Macromoléculas e Metabolitos Secundários como indicadores de Evolução. A Evolução Cósmica e a Origem da Vida, Eds. Hernâni L. S. Maia e J. J. Moura Ramos – Livr. Almedina.
  3. Anake Kijjoa (2002) Plant Secondary Metabolites with Immunomodulatory Activity in “Natural Products in the New Millenium: Prospects and Industrial Application” Eds. A. P. Rauter, E. Araújo, F. Salles, J. Justino and S. P. Santos, Proceedings of Phytochemical Society of Europe, Kluwer Academic Publishers , Vol. 47, pp. 299-309.
  4. Anake Kijjoa, Rawiwan Watanadilok, Pichai Sonchaeng, Sumaitt Puchakarn, Pichan Sawangwong, Werner Herz (2002). Bromotyrosine Derivatives from the Marine Sponge Suberea aff. praetensa. In Sponge Science in the Millennium. Eds. M. Pansini, R. Pronzato, G. Bavestrello and M. Manconi Bullettino del Musei e degli Istituti Biologici dell’Universitá di Genóva. Vol. 68, 2003 (2004), pp. 391-397.
  5. Anake Kijjoa and Luis M. M. Vieira (2009). Triterpenes from the Plants of the Family Clusiaceae (Guttiferae): Chemistry and Biological Activities. In Natural Products: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmacology. Goutam Brahmachari (Editor), Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, pages 326-381.
  6. H. Cidade, M. Neves and A. Kijjoa (2009). Natural Prenylated Flavones: Chemistry and Biological Activies- An Overview. In Natural Products: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmacology. Goutam Brahmachari (Editor), Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, pages 463-519.
  7. Madalena M. M. Pinto, Raquel A. P. Castanheiro and Anake Kijjoa (2014). “Xanthones from Marine-Derived Microorganisms: Isolation, Structure Elucidation and Biological Activities”, In: ‘Handbook of Chemical and Biological Plant Analytical Methods’, edited by Kurt Hostettmann, Shilin Chen, Andrew Marston and Hermann Stuppner. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp 611-632.
  8. Anake Kijjoa (2014). “Pyridoacridine Alkaloids from Marine Origin: Sources and Anticancer Activity”, In: Handbook of Anticancer Drugs from Marine Origin, edited by Se-Kwon Kim. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland pp. 771-802 (ISBN 978-3-319-07144-2; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07145-9_36).
  9. Nelson G. M. Gomes, Suradet Buttachon, Anake Kijjoa (2014). “Meroterpenoids from Marine Microorganisms: Potential Scaffolds for New Chemotherapy Leads”, In: Handbook of Anticancer Drugs from Marine Origin, edited by Se-Kwon Kim. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland pp. 323-366 (ISBN 978-3-319-07144-2; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07145-9_16).
  10. Decha Kumla, Maria Emília Sousa, Vitor Vasconcelos and Anake Kijjoa. Specialized metabolites from cyanobacteria and their biological activities. In: The Pharmacological Potential of Cyanobacteria, 1st ed.; Gracilaria Lopes, Marisa Silva, Vitor Vasconcelos, Eds.; Academic Press: London, UK; 2022; pp. 21-48. ISBN: 9780128214916.


  1. Alice Abreu Ramos, Fernanda Malhão, Ana Ferreira, Ângela Alves, Bruno Castro-Carvalho, Maria Prata-Sena, Daniela Gargiulo, Tida Dethoup. Suradet Buttachon, Alexandre Lobo-da-Cunha, Anake Kijjoa, Eduardo Rocha (2015). Marine and soil fungi extracts with antiproliferative activity induce morphological alterations in breast cancer cells. Microsc. Microanal. 21 (suppl. 5), 83-84. Doi: 10:1017/s1431927615014221.
  2. War War May Zin, Chadaporn Prompanya, Carla Fernandes, Sara Cravo, Madalena M. Pinto, Anake Kijjoa (2018). Chiral Liquid Chromatography in analysis of the stereochemistry of marine natural compounds: contribution for Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceuticals 11, 18.